The Kennedy Assassination – Beyond Conspiracy

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Forty years after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot on November 22, 1963, over 70 percent of Americans still believe there was a conspiracy to kill him and that the suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Utilizing modern technology, computer animator Dale Myers created a digital simulation of the only known film of the murder, a 16 mm home movie taken by Abraham Zapruder, a bystander that filmed the fatal shots. Then Myers matched this digital film to a three-dimensional computer model of Dealey Plaza which he created that reconstructs the plaza exactly as it appeared at the time of the murder.

The resulting digital animation allowed Myers to recreate the exact viewpoint from any perspective within the plaza at the moment and finally provide concrete evidence of whether or not Oswald was a lone assassin or if an actual conspiracy consisted. Also examined is new evidence discovered years later on an audiotape from an open police microphone at the scene and other theories that circulated including Communist ties and mob involvement in the assassination.

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Laurie Giesler

I was two when Kennedy was killed but always thought it was his politics that got him killed. In the last few years, I have come to understand the world powers which have been at work for centuries. I have several issues with your report. Forget the Stone film – that’s make-believe. First, the photo of the far left window of the book depository shows a person in the window who is not Oswald. Second: There are differences between the post-mortem photos taken of Kennedy’s body in Dallas and those taken before the autopsy at Bethesda Naval. The photos show… Read more »