An independently produced documentary from Max Igan, covering controversial topics and important issues facing humanity. Max Igan (Pen Name) is an Australian researcher/ activist/ author.
From the Author Max Igan:
In this film I have attempted to explain to you, the real structure of this reality, the nature of energy and of the light and sound that make up this entire universe and everyone and everything contained within it. I have attempted to show you that this understanding is supported both by ancient traditions and also by modern science.
I will say to you again now that all that actually exists within this or any other reality is pure conscious energy. That is truly all there is and the stuff this energy is made from is pure unconditional love.
I bring this message to you now because it is important that you receive it. The Earth and all that live upon it are about to undergo some very significant changes but these changes are nothing to be feared for once you have gained a clear understanding of what this reality truly is; once you have gained knowledge of how the true stuff of the universe actually works; Once you have realized your connection to all people and to all things and follow the path of the one universal law, then what is there to fear? What is there to hate? What is there to judge?
Understand that the life we are experiencing within this reality is a game of free will being played out by a single consciousness of which we are all merely frequencies.
Tune into that space behind your eyes.
Realize that to make it through the coming changes, all you really need do is to move into your heart; to realize that all that actually exists within this reality is energy consisting of nothing more than pure and unconditional love. Embrace it, become it, for it is what you are made of.
this is a superb doc. its about whats happening in the world today like fema camps tv control human consciousness breaking the goverment control over you and being free 1 of the best ive seen in a long time.