Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree, is a documentary chronicling liberty activist Derrick J Freeman’s exciting first year of activism in The Shire. 540 days in jail for dancing, smoking cannabis, going to court, and riding a bike.
Victimless Crime Spree ended with his dramatic arrest and incarceration for 60 days. All of his crimes were documented and transformed into a 90-minute film.
After volunteering for 5 years on a crisis helpline and working as a fundraiser for Greenpeace and the ACLU, Derrick J left his gayborhood in Philadelphia for Keene, NH in 2011 when Molyneaux, Rand, and Mises flipped on his “Liberty light-switch.”
Once in Keene he became a regular cohost of the nationally syndicated talk radio show Free Talk Live as well as initiating and participating in several other freedom-enhancing endeavors such as one-on-one outreach, videography, Fr33 Agents Radio News, Flaming Freedom, Live Free Or Dance parties, Cop-Blocking, blogging, and Agorism.